Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! The following questions are from Tony Robbins, "Date with Destiny" seminar as listed by Mastin Kipp.  Besides the usual well wishes for a Happy New Year, I wanted to post this so you can join me in examining our current actions, so we can all stop negative beliefs and cycles and make 2011 truly different.  The "universe" is endless and success, in whatever form you may define it, is available for us all.  Harmful competition, greed and envy are all works of our ego, and not part of our true selves.

So again, ask yourself:

1. What are you MOST happy with about 2010? What good things happened? What are you proud of most and why?

2. What sucked about last year and why? What mistakes did you make? What would you do differently? What would you never want to do again? (This isn't to beat yourself up, it's to get an honest assessment of the last year).

3. What new rituals are you willing to commit to in 2011 to get the results you want? What new habits will you form to take your life to the next level?

Be honest with yourself. Celebrate your successes in 2010, be truthful about the failures and then COMMIT to new habits and rituals in 2011 that will take your life to the next level. 

Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!

xoxo Helen T.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Q & A with Dos Mujeres

Things you can't live without?  
Helen - Family and friends who are like family, blackberry, Bustelo coffee, Nena (my Maltese)         
Nicole - Planner, laptop, family/friends   

Last book you read? 
Helen - Journals and contracts lately no books :( I need a kindle - accepting donations now!
Nicole - The Lovely Bones

True or False, you can judge a book by its cover? 
Helen - False!  Ok so we may do it for a hot second, but you never know what lies beneath unless you give them a chance.
Nicole - Definitely False, there is so much you learn about a person if you just take a moment to have a conversation. 

Favorite comfort food?  
Helen - Pizza, pollo guisado
Nicole - Homemade mac & cheese and apple pie

Dream place to visit?  
Helen - Thailand, India, Egypt
Nicole - There are so many places I want to see...I have a bucket list, but right now Italy and France are high on my list.

Do you tweet? If so what is your twitter name?  
Helen - Yes, and I'm guilty of retweeting alot.  Trying to be my version of Rev Run's wisdom but with a Latina twist.  Find me @MsNYBL2011
Nicole - Not yet, but who knows I might get into it. 

Any interesting talents?  
Helen - I can put false eyelashes on in the dark with no mirror (HA).  Hmmm...I will leave it at that, my parents could be reading this.
Nicole - anything creative and artsy

Three words to describe the other mujer would be?  
Helen - Nicole is genuine, supportive, a supermodel-in-training
Nicole - Helen: driven, hilarious, super fabulous 

Blackberry or iPhone?  
Helen - Blackberry!! The iPhone (Yawn) sorry doesn't do it for me. 
Nicole - Blackberry, slightly bbm obsessed...

Four makeup items you can't live without?  
Helen - Smashbox face primer, Urban decay de slick in a tube, Lorac eyebrow kit, Nars orgasm blush
Nicole - Lipgloss and/or lipstick, mascara, & brow pencil

What's a quote or saying that describes you?
Helen - Let go, stop worrying and enjoy the journey wherever it takes you - #TDL
Nicole - "You can't go through life always wearing a catcher's mitt, you gotta be able to throw something back."~ Maya Angelou

xoxo Helen T. & Nic J.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The divine art of letting go - Nashville Single Women |

The divine art of letting go - Nashville Single Women |

I read this article awhile ago and came across it again while organizing my bookmarks this morning at 4am (of websites/people I need to contact), as I slowly fall back into my insomnia again with multiple "to do" lists running through my head. I love this article and whether or not we have felt the same sentiments as the author, the message is clear just "let go". Stop chasing after love desperately, and do not allow your ego to stop you from letting go of what is obviously not meant to be.

xoxo Helen T.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

10 Ways To Tell You're Latina | Latina

10 Ways To Tell You're Latina | Latina

 Oh this made me laugh for a couple of reasons;
(Click on link above post for article from Latina magazine)

#1 On a recent trip to PR with my friend Mariam, I told her Puerto Ricans did this, that we clap on the plane when we land, she thought I was kidding until she heard it. 
 #2 My last ex who did that was Indian, close enough I guess
#3 I don't but my mother does

#4 Never, not even in my worst nightmares! BUT I did have to have an intervention with my dad once
#5 Hellooo?? Who's mother/grandmother/aunt does not say that!
 #6 It wasn't my grandmother's chancleta that had the boomerang powers, it was my mother's OUCH!
#7 This makes me laugh, I think it was a Chris Rock movie I watched where he stereotyped African Americans as using "tussin" to cure everything, well we have BibaporĂș (Vicks VapoRub)
#8 I am going to straight up deny my mom ever did this....
#9-10 Still happens! 

xoxo Helen T.