Saturday, November 27, 2010

10 Ways To Tell You're Latina | Latina

10 Ways To Tell You're Latina | Latina

 Oh this made me laugh for a couple of reasons;
(Click on link above post for article from Latina magazine)

#1 On a recent trip to PR with my friend Mariam, I told her Puerto Ricans did this, that we clap on the plane when we land, she thought I was kidding until she heard it. 
 #2 My last ex who did that was Indian, close enough I guess
#3 I don't but my mother does

#4 Never, not even in my worst nightmares! BUT I did have to have an intervention with my dad once
#5 Hellooo?? Who's mother/grandmother/aunt does not say that!
 #6 It wasn't my grandmother's chancleta that had the boomerang powers, it was my mother's OUCH!
#7 This makes me laugh, I think it was a Chris Rock movie I watched where he stereotyped African Americans as using "tussin" to cure everything, well we have Bibaporú (Vicks VapoRub)
#8 I am going to straight up deny my mom ever did this....
#9-10 Still happens! 

xoxo Helen T.

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